Ulumul Qur'an: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ <p><strong>Ulumul Qur’an: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir</strong> [E-ISSN: <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1610941992&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_top" rel="noopener">2774-6496</a>, P-ISSN: <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1613645849&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_top" rel="noopener">2775-5169</a>] is peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publish the scholarly study of Qur'anic studies and its interpretation that are relevant to the situation and conditions of modern society. Particular attention is paid to the works dealing with:</p> <ul> <li>Qur’anic Studies</li> <li>Qur’anic sciences</li> <li>Living Qur'an</li> <li>Classical and Contemporar Tafsir</li> <li>Methodology of Qur’an and Tafsir studies</li> </ul> <p><strong>Ulumul Qur’an: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir</strong> [E-ISSN: <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1610941992&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_top" rel="noopener">2774-6496</a>, P-ISSN: <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1613645849&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_top" rel="noopener">2775-5169</a>] Publishes twice in the year (March and September) by Qur’anic and Tafsir Studies Programme at <strong>Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ushuluddin (STIU) Darul Quran, Bogor.</strong></p> <p>The Editor accepts manuscript researchers, lecturers, students, practitioners, and others that have never been published and published in other media. The article was written with the lenguage of English, Arabic, or indonesia. Papers must be typed in one-helf spaced on A4-paper size with Times New Arabic.</p> en-US zakymumtazali@gmail.com (Zaky Mumtaz Ali, S.S.I., M.A.) zakymumtazali@gmail.com (Zaky Mumtaz Ali) Sun, 31 Mar 2024 08:31:27 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Membaca Ulang Ayat Poligami: Sebuah Pembacaan Sinkronik-Diakronik https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/191 <p>The discourse of polygamy is a discourse that is always hotly discussed. This is because this is a very sensitive issue and is in direct contact with people from various circles, both academics and grassroots communities. The debate surrounding the legality of the practice of polygamy has never found agreement. Various methods and approaches are proposed to look at the actual law of polygamy, ranging from hermeneutics, maqasid al-shariah, to contextual approaches.. However, there are still no academics who try to capture the chronological series of polygamy practices from pre-Islamic times to the presence of Islam and dialogue polygamy verses with jahiliah traditions. Departing from this, this research seeks to reorganize QS. An-Nisa' [4]: 3 by using a synchronic-diachronic approach. This research uses a qualitative method and produces two points of conclusion, 1). The chronology of the polygamy verse begins when Islam dialogues with issues of gender equality in the climate of ignorance, and polygamy is one of the ignorant traditions that is not abrogated and only given regulation, 2). Synchronically, the background of polygamy restrictions is caused by the economic insecurity of men who cause new problems for others. (taking the property of orphans who are cared for to be given to their wives as maintenance). In addition, in the records of the books of hadith, psychologically, the Prophet really hoped to have a people of his own. Forbidding polygamy is like closing the door on the Prophet's hopes.</p> Fuady, Khoirul Umami Copyright (c) 2024 Fuady, Khoirul Umami https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/191 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Menelisik Kisah Nabi Adam dalam Tafsir Ibnu Katsir dan Tafsir Al-Misbah https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/178 <p>Prophet Adam was the first human on earth, and as Muslims, we are obliged to believe in the existence of Prophets and Apostles because they are part of a series of pillars of faith. In the Koran, many verses mention the story of the Prophet Adam. The author found several variations of interpretation in the story of the Prophet Adam, such as the location of the heaven he visited, the name of the tree or fruit that was forbidden, the earth where he was sent down, wisdom, and the sentence of repentance given by Allah SWT, this is what prompted the author to carry out deeper research. This research uses a library research method and is <em>maudhu'i</em> or thematic based. This research aims to reveal the interpretations of Ibn Katsir and Quraish Shihab regarding the story of the Prophet Adam in the Koran and examine the similarities and differences contained in the two books of interpretation. The results of this research are that the interpretation of the verses of the story of the Prophet Adam by Ibn Katsir and Quraish Shihab has many differences and few similarities.</p> Rizqi Asfianudin rizqi, A.M Ismatullah Copyright (c) 2024 Rizqi Asfianudin rizqi, A.M Ismatullah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/178 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation Implementation of Ideal Parenting in the Qur'an for Students of SMPIT Darul Qur’an Bogor https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/221 <p>One of the reasons for wrong behavior by a child is that the parenting style implemented by the parents is not working well. Therefore, this research was conducted to find solutions for ideal parenting patterns that refer to the Quran. The research method used is mixed methods, which combines qualitative research related to parenting models in the Quran and quantitative approaches to determine the level of implementation in social reality. The results of this research show that there are four parenting patterns for parents towards their children: by building good communication, using calls that honor the child, conveying the consequences of mistakes and cultivating an attitude so that the child is respectful to both parents. This research has 108 respondents of students’ parents of SMPIT Darul Quran Bogor. It concludes that parents have a level of implementation of good communication parenting patterns with the highest percentage of 27%, and the lowest implementation in parental cultivation is in the process of instilling the consequences of bad deeds morals so that children are respectful to their parents, amounting to 23%. These findings indicate that maximum efforts are needed to ensure that children have good character to their parents by informing them of the consequences.</p> Abdul Ghoni Ghoni, Sumayyah Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Ghoni Ghoni, Sumayyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/221 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Tafsir Ayat Larangan Mendekati Zina pada Q.S. al-Isra [17]: 32: Perspektif Teori Mitologi Roland Barthes https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/194 <p>This study aims to look at the meaning of the symbols contained in QS. al-Isra verse 32 from the perspective of Roland Barthes' mythology theory. In the Qur'an, the prohibition of approaching adultery does not specifically mention the forms and types of actions that can be categorized as approaching adultery. This makes this verse has a broad meaning. The application of Barthes' mythology theory to this verse is considered to provide a new perspective on the interpretation of the prohibition by the times and interpretation. This research is a literature research using the Qur'anic text analysis approach with the foundation of Roland Barthes' mythology theory. The results of this study revealed that the myth contained in QS. al-Isra verse 32 among the wider community gave rise to new interpretations that continue to develop towards this verse. The acts of approaching adultery that are prohibited in this verse by using the lens of Roland Barthes' myth theory can be in the form of khalwat (being alone between men and women) and dressed but naked such as using open clothes, watching movies, pictures or magazines that contain nude, pornographic images and even songs containing bad invitations, dancing and hugging to various ways and types that bring together opportunities between men and women in digital space without any clear and justified purpose.</p> Ida Fitri Nabila Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Fitri Nabila https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/194 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pernikahan Beda Agama Pernikahan Beda Agama pada Surat Al-Baqarah Ayat 221: Analisis Hermeneutika Friedrich Schleiermacher https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/217 <p>Interpretation of QS. Al-Baqarah verse 221 regarding interfaith marriages always experiences shifts in meaning. This research aims to find out the literal message about interfaith marriage in the QS. Al-Baqarah verse 221. This research method uses a type of literature by collecting primary and secondary literature, then the researcher analyzes it using a romantic analysis approach which has two stages, namely grammatical analysis of the text and analysis of the author's psychological condition. The results of this research show that the law on marriage between people of different religions is permitted with two notes, namely: first, marriage between different religions is permitted only for non-Muslims who believe in one god (Arianism), what is meant is Arianism Christians, considering that at that time Christians were divided. into two groups, namely Arianism and Anathasianism. Second, it is permissible to marry ahlul kitab in question who is a Christian who is able to maintain his honor, not a polytheist. The implications of this research are in completing the understanding of texts that are often overlooked. Especially Schleiermacher's hermeneutical analysis.</p> Rofiatul Ubaidillah Ubaidillah, Nabilah Kurniati Copyright (c) 2024 rofiatul ubaidillah Ubaidillah, Nabilah Kurniati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/217 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Kerusakan Alam dan Mitigasi Krisis Lingkungan (Kajian Surat Al-Baqarah Ayat 205-207 dalam Tafsir Al-Maraghi) https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/214 <p>Environmental damage is a global issue that is increasingly urgent to address. In this context, understanding the views of the Qur'an and its commentaries on natural damage provides an important spiritual and ethical foundation in protecting the earth as a mandate from Allah SWT. This study aims to analyze the views of the Qur'an and Tafsir al-Maraghi on natural damage, as well as identify mitigation efforts that can be taken to overcome the environmental crisis. The research method used is content analysis of Qur'anic verses related to the environment and Al-Maraghi's interpretation. Primary data was obtained from Tafsir al-Maraghi by Ahmad Mustafa al-Maraghi, while secondary data involved literature related to environmental damage. From the content analysis, it was found that the Qur'an provides a clear message about human responsibility in protecting the environment. Tafsir Al-Maraghi provides an in-depth understanding of the concept of ecology in Islam and the importance of maintaining the balance of nature. By understanding the views of the Qur'an and its commentaries, humans are reminded of their responsibility as caliphs on earth to protect and preserve the environment. Efforts made against the environmental crisis must be based on three mitigations; ecosystem care, sustainable management, and compliance with regulations.</p> Muhammad Anas Al Hazmi, Fina Haifa Nur Azizah, Siti Hajar, Hanif Jamaludin Ahmad, Muhammad Raif Al Abrar Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Anas Al Hazmi, Fina, Hajar, Hanif, Raif https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/214 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Konsep Khidmah dalam Qs. Al-Kahfi [18]: 60-64 dan Relevansinya terhadap Santri Mandiri https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/201 <p>Khidmah (dedication) is the willingness of students to devote themselves to their kyai to strengthen the process of understanding religion <em>(tafaqquh fi al-din</em>) in the <em>pesantren.</em> However, in the view of the general public, <em>khidmah</em> is often perceived as 'exploitation' because it entails instructing students to work in <em>pesantren</em> institutions or businesses without adequate compensation commensurate with their efforts. The busy schedule involving religious studies, academic pursuits, and <em>khidmah</em> impacts the academic achievements of students. This situation sometimes leads students to complain and blame circumstances, resulting in a negative perception of <em>khidmah</em>. This research aims to analyze the concept of <em>khidmah</em> from the perspective of the Qur'an, particularly QS. Al-Kahfi [18]: 60-64, to gain a correct understanding of <em>khidmah</em>. Furthermore, this study applies the interpretation of these verses to self-reliant students of Pesantren Sunan Pandanaran. The research adopts a descriptive-qualitative method with a literature review approach. The findings reveal the concept of <em>khidmah</em> in QS. Al-Kahfi emphasizes the dedication and loyalty of a student in serving their teacher with sincerity and humility to acquire knowledge and the pleasure of Allah SWT, thus obtaining blessings in life. The concept of <em>khidmah</em> in the stories of Prophet Musa, Prophet Khidir, and Yusa’ bin Nun is highly relevant to the <em>khidmah</em> practiced by self-reliant students of Pondok Pesantren Sunan Pandanaran. Through <em>khidmah</em> in the Islamic boarding school, self-reliant students can equip themselves for future service in society, thereby realizing the concept of <em>Khadim al-Ilm - Khadim al-Ummah.</em></p> Muhammad Mu'tamid Ihsanillah, Badi'ah Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Ihsanillah, Badi'ah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/201 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Media Dakwah dalam Perspektif Tafsir Kementerian Agama RI (Kemenag RI) dan Ibnu Katsir https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/208 <p>Explanation of the propagation media can be found in the Quran. Propagation media based on the interpretation of the Quran plays an important role in spreading the teachings of Islam and educating society about religious values. In the Quran, there are various perspectives of interpretation developed by scholars and commentators. Two of them are interpretations developed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ibn Kathir's interpretation. The focus of this research is to examine the Quranic verses containing meanings as propagation media according to the interpretations of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ibn Kathir. This research uses descriptive qualitative research with the method of library research. The results show that based on the interpretations of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ibn Kathir, there are several interpretations of Quranic verses related to propagation media. <em>Firstly,</em> wasilah serves as a tool, means, or intermediary that facilitates propagators in achieving the goal, which is to convey the messages of Islamic propagation to the audience. <em>Secondly,</em> the Kaaba as the central point of propagation media. The Kaaba is the central point or qibla for all Muslims in the world (for prayer) and the center of worship for Muslims. The Kaaba is considered a propagation media because it involves activities related to Islamic law, such as circumambulation, prayer, pilgrimage, remembrance, and worship. <em>Thirdly,</em> the mosque as a propagation media has implications such as learning activities, performing prayers, and disseminating religious messages.</p> Wahyu Agung Prasongko, Siti Aisyah Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Agung Prasongko, Siti Aisyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/208 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Penafsiran al-Qur’an atas Adopsi Anak: Aplikasi Tafsir Kontekstual Abdullah Saeed Pada QS. al-Ahzâb [33]: 4-5 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/176 <p>Child adoption is one way for parents who have not had children for a long time. In the past, adoption became the custom of the pre-Islamic Arabs, they treated their adopted children like their own biological children, even pinning their name behind the name of the adopted child. Islam prohibits the prophet from putting his name behind the name of Zaid ibn Haritsah as in Q.S. al-Ahzâb [33]: 4-5, besides that, the rights of adopted children in the pre-Islamic era were cut off such as getting inheritance and mahram. The research method used is library research by documenting scientific works as research sources and exploring the meaning of the text, Abdullah Saeed's Contextual Interpretation method is used, by paying attention to the hierarchy of values and also the steps of interpretation. From the reading, it is produced that it is permissible to adopt a child, provided that the identity of the adopted child is emphasized, while the problem of <em>mahrams</em> can be obtained by breastfeeding the child, if the adoptive parents are willing to give their property then they can make a will, then the status is a grant, if they do not give a will they get a maximum of 1/3 of the share as explained by KHI (The Compilation of Islamic Law) and the child's adoption can be done if it is urgent, but still emphasizes the status of the child as an adopted child. The above problems can be resolved by entrusting orphans to orphanages.</p> Abdullah khoirur Rofiq, Ahmad Farih, Khoirul Umami Copyright (c) 2024 Abdullah khoirur Rofiq, Ahmad Farih, Khoirul Umami https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/176 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Penafsiran Ayat-Ayat Larangan Pembunuhan Anak (Metode Tafsir Maudhu’i Abdul Hayy Al-Farmawi) https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/199 <p>This research aims to interpret the verses prohibiting child murder using the interpretation method of Maudhu'i Abdul Hayy Al-Farmawi. This type of research is classified as qualitative and relies on written data. The results of this research show that based on the practice of applying the Maudhu'i al-Farmawi method, eight verses discuss the prohibition of killing children, namely QS. Al-An'am Verses 137, 140, 151, QS. Al-Isra Verse 31, At-Takwir verses 8-9, QS. Al-Mumtahanah verse 12, Az-Zukhruf verse 17, An-Nahl verse 58, which are related to each other. The practice of killing children during the Jahiliyah period was caused by fear of poverty and shame. These verses emphasize the importance of protecting children and prohibiting the killing of children for any reason, as well as emphasizing equality between boys and girls in treatment and sustenance. Negative reactions to the birth of girls in Arab society are also emphasized as unwarranted. This practice is considered to violate religious provisions.</p> Hanna Salsabila, Akhdiat Copyright (c) 2024 Hanna Salsabila, Akhdiat Akhdiat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/199 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Interpretasi Konsep Perbudakan dalam Al-Qur’an (Studi Analisis Tematik Al-Farmawi Terhadap Frasa Milkul Yamin) https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/170 <p>This study aims to examine the concept of milkul yamin in the Qur'an and its relevance to modern times. Using Abdul Hayy al-Farmawi's thematic method theory, this research is library research with a qualitative approach. Primary data is obtained from the Qur'an and books of tafsir, while secondary data is from supporting books and previous articles. The results show that the concept of milkul yamin is not only related to slaves or sexual problems but also concerns social and humanitarian problems. The Qur'an wants the gradual abolition of the slavery system by providing guidelines for fakku-raqabah. Although the locus of slavery is no longer relevant in modern times, the essence of the Qur'an as a guideline still applies, especially in upholding human rights and overcoming various forms of modern slavery such as labour exploitation, human trafficking, and sexual exploitation.</p> Ikrimah Retno Handayani, hafid nur Muhammad, Ali Zainal Arifin, Zainab Copyright (c) 2024 Ikrimah Retno Handayani, hafid nur Muhammad, Ali Zainal Arifin, Zainab https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ojs.stiudq.ac.id/JUQDQ/article/view/170 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000