Resepsi Masyarakat Dullah Utara terhadap Konsep Moderasi Beragama Perspektif Al-Qur’an
Reception, Community, Religious ModerationAbstract
This paper aims to describe how the North Dullah community's reception
of the concept of religious moderation from the perspective of the Qur'an. This
scientific research aims to find out how the wasathiyah verses are based on the
viewpoints and assessments of the community in the field. In this study, the area
studied has distinctive local wisdom, namely in the North Dullah sub-district, Tual
city, which is known as the Larvul Ngabal Customary Law and the Ain ni ain
philosophy. The method used in this research is field research with a qualitative
research type that produces descriptive data and uses a phenomenological approach.
The results in this study are that religious moderation in the reception of the North
Dullah community is a moderate religious way, or an inclusive way of Islam or an
open religious attitude, not exchanging beliefs, respecting each other in tolerance,
peace and justice. In its implementation in the North Dullah sub-district, it is adjusted
to local customs, namely the customary law of Larvul Ngabal and the philosophy of
Ain ni ain which is the basis. From the results of the interview, the researcher can
conclude that in the legal articles of Larvul Ngabal and the philosophy of Ain ni ain it
is clear that the customary law and philosophy are in accordance with Islamic Shari'a
law, especially the verses regarding moderation.
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