Konsep Persaudaraan Intra Agama Islam dalam Tafsir Nadhmuddurar Karya Al-Biqa'i
Persaudaraan Dalam Islam, Ukhuwwah islamiyyah, Tafsir Nadhmuddurar, Al-Biqa’iAbstract
This study aims to explain and explain the concept of brotherhood in Islam
according to al-Biqa'i in the Nadhmuddurar commentary book. This research was
written using a literature study (Library Research) by reading and reviewing the
literature that became the object of the research study. Based on this research, it can
be concluded that al-Biqa'i in his book Nadhmuddurar explains the meaning of
brotherhood and unity that cannot be separated because these two things are very
urgent for the future of Muslims. Even in detail he explained that the degree or
position of humans is not seen from lineage or descent but from piety.
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