Pemaknaan Ayat QS. Yasin 65 sebagai Saksi Tindakan Kejahatan Analisis Verifikasi Alfred Jules Ayer
Fngerprint, Verification A. J. Ayer, WitnessAbstract
Allah created humans perfectly, namely having hands and feet and other limbs. Then, then the members of the body are able to witness for themselves in doing everything that can be in the form of good deeds or bad deeds, this is as explained in QS. Yasin 65. Scientific facts show that what is meant by the body parts are fingerprints. Fingerprints are members of the human body which are located on the palms of the hands and feet of humans. In criminal cases, fingerprints can be used as witnesses or evidence to reveal the perpetrators of crimes. The existence of this research is to show that the verses of the Koran can be verified through A.J.'s theory of verification. Ayer to reveal the meaning of QS. Yasin 65. Based on that through descriptive qualitative research methods-analysis of QS. Yasin 65 to reveal a crime can be invoked by the theory of the approach used. The results of this study are that the verses of the Koran are not only believed to be holy scriptures theologically but can be trusted because they can be proven directly through verification.
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