Dampak Kecurangan dalam Jual Beli Menurut Tafsir Al-Qur’an
Impact, Fraud, Business, Al-Muthaffifin Tafsir : 1-6Abstract
This study aims to examine the impact of fraud in buying and selling based on the Qur'an and its interpretations. This research is a library research with maudhu'i (thematic) interpretation method. By using several interpretation books. The results of this study indicate that Allah SWT has forbidden his servant to commit fraud in buying and selling, especially reducing the measure or scale to the detriment of others. The impact is not only detrimental to the buyer but also detrimental to the seller, namely causing accidents/destruction, the impact is not only in the world in the form of losses in business and loss of blessings of sustenance but also in the hereafter when the perpetrators of fraud are held accountable for their fraudulent actions before Allah SWT, they will be rewarded with the painful torments of hell. Muslims, should make the Al-Qur'an and hadith as a way of life, including in relation to business management or business. However, in reality there are not a few Muslim businessmen who are ignorant of Islamic business guidelines as in the Al-Quran Al-Mutaffifin verses 1-6, so that they come out of the norms of Islamic business ethics, namely the prohibition of cheating.
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