Wawasan Al-Quran tentang Moderasi Beragama
Al-Qur'an, Beragama, Moderasi, WawasanAbstract
Religious moderation in the perspective of the Qur'an is the main basic attitude of Islam and Muslim citizens in determining new directions for society in understanding religion and bringing changes to a more valuable and balanced perspective. This research is library research, namely research by reviewing and reviewing written sources. Such as books, magazines, journals as data sources, as well as literature on religious moderation that can support this paper. All literature used is descriptive in nature and uses a maudhu'i approach, an approach that leads to a particular theme, then seeks the views of the Qur'an on that theme by collecting all the verses discussed, analyzing and understanding them and thoroughly discussing them in one theme or discussion. The results of the research are from the insight of the Quran on religious moderation. The Qur'an directs by doing several things, including: (1) utilizing religious and state institutions, (2) educating the younger generation, (3) building cross-generational collaboration, (4) increasing and improving the quality of religious understanding that is more open and transparent. quality, and (5) creating a culture of dialogue between clergy and statesmen.
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