A Study of Al-Alusi's Thought on the Concept of Ruh in Tafsir Ruh Al-Maani
Ruh, Imam al-Alusi, Ruh al-Ma'aniAbstract
This study uses the library research method. The purpose of this study is to find out the nature and secrets behind the ruh and the body. Ruh is defined by some mufassirs as something that causes life and movement, as well as the benefit of avoiding evil. In contrast to the opinion of the scholar Imam al-Alusi, he explains the other side of ruh as the cause of life and movement, the orbit of the human body and the beginning of life, ruh can also be said to be a complex substance, which to know it is not enough to be limited to rational but must be based on revelation. First, regarding the haqikat of ruh, according to al-Alusi ruh is one of the creations of Allah Swt. which needs to be based on revelation and cannot only be based on ratios. Ruh has a broad meaning, not only the substance flowing in the human body that causes life and thinking, but ruh also means malaikat, revelation and the Qur'an. Secondly, the secret of the ruh and the body. This issue leads to Surah an-Nahl verse 78, and based on its analysis, two possibilities emerge: first, ruh exists first because humans are born in a state of fitrah without knowledge. Secondly, the ruh was created first because after being blown into the body, the ruh undergoes a reduction with human elements and characteristics, so that humans are born in a state of fitrah without knowledge.
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