Taqiyyah dalam Pandangan Sunni dan Syi’ah (Studi Analisis Komparatif Kitab Tafsir Al-Qurtubi dan Al-Mizan)
Taqiyyah, Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Tafsir, Tafsir Al-MizanAbstract
Taqiyyah according to the Sunni view includes rukhsah in religion because there are things that apply at certain times, are not permanent and routine, which are in forced and emergency conditions, not the essence of religion that must be followed forever. Therefore, it is obligatory for a believer to migrate from a place where he is afraid to reveal his religion, and is forced to perform Taqiyyah. The practice of Taqiyyah in the view of the Shia does not only apply to the polytheists, but also applies to fellow Muslims who are not fair, so they are required to do Taqiyyah and trickery in order to protect themselves and their property. Some Shia scholars argue that Taqiyyah is nine-tenths of the religion contained in Taqiyyah. And there is no religion for people who do not practice taqiyyah, in fact the Shi'ism applies the Taqiyyah creed in all conditions. Taqiyyah is explained in the freedom of Imam Al-Qurtubi and Tabataba'I the two commentators also found some differences regarding the explanation of Taqiyyah.
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