Fungsi Masjid dalam Perspektif Tafsir Al- Munir (Studi Kasus Aplikasi Fungsi Masjid di Masjid Raudhatul Jannah 1 dan 2 Pesantren Terpadu Darul Qur’an Mulia)
Al- Qur’an, Masjid, Tafsir Al-MunirAbstract
This paper discusses in depth the function of a mosque which is taken from Al-Qur'an Surah An-Nur/24: 36-38 and refers to the book Tafsir al-Muni@r. The research method of this paper is library research and field research, the author uses the sources from books that are related to the topic to compile this paper and then examines directly in field research to the specified object. The results of this study are clearly conveyed what are the functions of the mosque according to the book Tafsir al-Munir, a mosque as a place for the development of aqidah, a mosque as a place for worshipers of guidance, a mosque as a place of worship to Allah SWT, a mosque as a place for positive things to be glorified, a mosque as a place of rest, a mosque as a place for managing public affairs, a mosque as a place for personal and behavior development, a mosque as a place for the study of sciences, a mosque as a place for politics.
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